How Teachers Can Manage Stress Associated With Online Teaching

How Teachers Can Manage Stress Associated With Online Teaching

The pandemic led to the sudden move towards online learning. Many of the teachers had never used EdTech in their classrooms. To provide continuous learning to their students, teachers had to quickly learn and become skilled in using new and complex digital tools. They spent long hours learning how to make the most of the available digital tools and adapt their teaching strategies to deliver online learning effectively.

Since kids have not been vaccinated yet, schools won’t be allowed to operate in full capacity to prevent a viral resurgence. Here’s how teachers can manage their stress when teaching online:

Learning Management System (LMS)

Learning Management System (LMS) provides ready-to-use content for online teaching. It saves time and allows teachers to focus on nurturing skills of students and helps them improve their academic performance. LMS also offers ICT & Teacher Professional Development program that equips them with 21st Century teaching skills, builds their confidence, increases their ability to deploy technology for formative learning assessments, foster student interaction and collaboration and effectively deliver ICT courses in their schools.

One thing at a time

During online learning, teachers are constantly switching between screens, tools, and tasks which can put them on the road to burnout. So, teachers can take one step after another consistently which will help them to focus better and achieve their teaching goals while maintaining their mental health and wellbeing. 

Practise self-compassion

Teachers are human beings; they too can make mistakes. When teachers face bad days or find themselves in a position where they can’t deliver their best, they should not fret. In such situations, they need to be kind to themselves. If they feel overwhelmed by their workload, they can ask for a deadline extension or drop some things off their task list altogether.

Make time for self-care

Engaging in a self-care routine helps to reduce stress, improves concentration, minimizes anger, improves energy, and increases happiness. Self-care means different things to different people. Teachers can engage in self-care by doing activities that interests them or helps them connect with like-minded people. For instance, they can take a walk in nature, read a book, pursue their hobby, learn a new skill or indulge in any other activity that makes them happy. They can also find an online community of teachers where they can share their challenges and exchange best practices or tips to make their teaching lives easier.

ICT 360 in alignment with NEP, provides ICT curriculum with ready-to-use content, design and computational thinking approach to projects as well as interdisciplinary learning material on an online platform that caters to today’s relevant technologies and future skills requirements. It is designed to help teachers improve their instructional practices with 21st century teaching skills through train-the-teacher program, build a strong foundation to empower students with the ability and skills to design & create amazing things on their own in a fun & engaging environment, excel in academics and prepare them to be industry- and career-ready.

With 50+ partner schools across India, it aims to empower students with creativity, problem-solving, design and tech skills from an early age. These skills are essential for future job roles like Graphic Designers, AI & ML Specialists, Software & Applications Developers, Animators, Robotics Engineers, Data Analysts, and IOT Specialists.

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