Growing Importance Of Computer Aided Design In Education

Growing Importance Of Computer Aided Design In Education

We all have seen a paradigm shift from manual drawing using conventional pen and paper to using complex designing software to create art. As we progress to a more advanced age of computers, it’s safe to say that Computer Aided design (CAD) is going to become more and more popular it’s no surprise that these softwares will completely replace traditional design tools. 

CAD or Computer Aided Design has gotten extremely popular especially among the engineering professionals especially the ones in architecture. The software can be used in various avenues because of easy designing and drafting features. Not only can CAD help you put

Not only can CAD help you put your ideas in form of designs but in an easy way which doesn’t consume much time. AutoCAD is the most popular software for CAD and is chosen by professionals all over the world.


There are many advantages of using CAD over manual drawing tools which students can use to improve their classroom performance and build technical skills. The benefits of using CAD are discussed as follows:

• Creating Easy Sketches: CAD has the capability to transform an idea into something visible. With a rough draft, one can create something with CAD software. Sometimes explaining your ideas might not be just enough, thus getting that idea designed with CAD can give a full picture. A simple ‘SketchUp’ of the idea can be done in a matter of few minutes.

• Easy Saving and Sharing: All the designs and drawings created with the help of CAD can be easily saved for future use and reference. With unique features, creating a design once is enough and there is no need to redesign it again. These saved drawings can also be printed whenever required. Some components from the drawing can also be standardized for future uses. Another advantage is that these drawings can be stored easily like in the hard drive, USB pen drive or cloud. On the downside, the digital data can be corrupted if not protected safely which eventually puts all the work under danger.

• Work Faster: Creating a digital blueprint with CAD has numerous advantages when compared to creating a traditional blueprint. All the measurement tools are found in the tool and just a click away which will speed up the process. With these tools, correcting the errors is much quicker when compared to using a pencil and paper. IF you wish to create similar templates, you can use the elements in the initial template and use the common elements in creating a new template which eventually saves a ton of time and increases productivity.

• Better Quality Designs: The CAD software provides great tools for design professions that will help in carrying out design and analysis of a proposed design. These tools also help in producing designs with high accuracy and the scope for errors is much lower when compared to hand drawing. The higher accuracy will lead to better designs and these better designs help in manufacturing faster. Manual design not only takes more time but the errors caused will delay the process in overall.

• Growing Popularity: One of the main reasons why professional designers should get comfortable with CAD is because of its growing popularity. Regardless of architecture, engineering, cartography, fashion etc., they use CAD in some form. With numerous advantages over traditional design, it’s just a matter of time before CAD takes over the world of design.

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