Digital Transformation Of Classrooms Is Need Of Hour

Digital Transformation Of Classrooms Is Need Of Hour

In the 21st century, where the world is gradually becoming digitalized, education is no such exception. In fact, the ed-tech industry is growing faster than ever revolutionizing how children are taught in schools. With an overwhelming increase in mobile-connected devices, global data traffic, and mobile video traffic, the Ed-Tech sector is set to enter a new era.

Technology-driven learning is bringing a qualitative and quantitative improvement in Indian education. Ed-Tech companies are driving further development of data-driven education technologies, leading to fundamental changes in how schools are learning new skills.

Over the last two years, the online searches for education related queries have doubled and searches from mobile devices have risen faster than ever. Also, according to the latest research by KPMG, there has been a four-fold growth in the number of views on educational videos from last year. So, there has been a growing trend of learning beyond just the school course curriculum. Thus, there’s a huge potential for ed-tech companies to leverage this opportunity and provide such course content which has not been able to get covered in the traditional teaching process.

Even though in 2016 there was a global downturn in funding to the Ed Tech industry, Indian ed-tech companies received more funding than the previous year.


As seen from the above graph, there has been a growth of 15.89% in smart classroomswhich have Internet and Communication Technology(ICT) enabled in their classrooms. This growth rate is expected to be sustained till 2019 with the spread of digital classrooms in rural areas.

Ed-tech companies have led to a massive digital transformation of classrooms which is the need of the hour.

Many ed-tech start-ups have also entered the market to create more scope and opportunities in this sector. With the launch of Leap EdTech (India’s largest Ed Tech Summit) last year, there is expected to be huge growth in this industry in the future. Mindbox India is also one of the leading ed-tech companies providing solutions to over 10000 customers in India.


The following are some of the most prominent ways Indian ed-tech companies would revolutionize the teaching methodologies in schools:

• Have a wider reach of good quality education in tier 1 and tier 2 cities.

• Provide innovative technological solutions like Big Data, Artificial intelligence or Gamification to meet the requirements of 21st-century students and schools more efficiently than ever.

• Develop better technological skills amoung students by exposing them to innovative gadgets.

• Personalize learning content for students to meet individual requirements and capabilities.

• With increasing funding and financial support to Indian ed-tech companies, they would be able to provide children would with the best technological resources and tools in classrooms to aid the learning process.

• Provide sophisticated performance management and tracking software to help teachers monitor student’s performance more efficiently.

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