STREAM education is a comprehensive, unique, and multidisciplinary approach that integrates Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics into the teaching and learning process to equip students with 21st Century skills.
Wondering what is ESTREAM? Well, ‘E’ in ESTREAM stands for Entrepreneurship. As per NEP 2020, education should be more industry-oriented with an emphasis on entrepreneurship; students should be provided with new chances for lifelong learning.
Let’s understand the importance of ESTREAM in K-12 education
Fosters entrepreneur skills
ESTREAM seeks to make the 21st Century learners – more imaginative, original, clever, and proactive. Through real-world projects and internships, it empowers them with the ability to generate and turn their ideas to a business that helps build a futuristic world. It fosters business acumen that can realize the full potential while strengthening risk-taking and problem-solving skills in students as an integral part of the learning process.
Develops a creator mindset
ESTREAM is about allowing students to think out of the box, research, experiment and create things on their own. When they are given the opportunity to tap into their creative side, it enables them to apply their knowledge & skills to bring their imagination and ideas to life by creating apps, websites, 3D prototypes etc. that solve real-life problems.
Strengthens 21st century skills
Through hands-on learning and projects rooted in real world challenges, ESTREAM promotes 21st century skills – Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking in students. These skills make them confident & future-ready and help them thrive in all areas of life – personal, academics and career.
Engages students
ESTREAM is student-centric which puts students’ interests first, acknowledging their voice as central to the learning experience. It engages them by putting responsibility for the learning path in their hands and imparting them the essential skills. Students take ownership of their learning – what they learn, how they learn it and how their learning is assessed are all driven by them.
Multidisciplinary approach to learning
Jobs in the real world are multidisciplinary. ESTREAM’s multidisciplinary approach to learning helps students understand how subjects integrate and work together. It provides them the opportunity for exploration and develops diverse skill sets required for the jobs of the future.
Application of learning in real life situations
ESTREAM is critical to the holistic growth and development of students. ESTREAM projects/activities allow them to apply their learning in real life situations and prepares them to become critical thinkers and future leaders. It provides them with the opportunity to ideate, research, design and create prototypes for real world problems.
Makes learning a fun experience
With Project based Teaching Methodology, ESTREAM involves working in group projects. The activities are interesting and fun where students ‘Learn by Doing’. It enhances their learning experience by giving them the platform to communicate & collaborate with their peers, boosts their confidence when they solve a given problem and inspires them to be lifelong learners.
ICT 360 provides NEP aligned, STEM accredited ICT curriculum with ready-to-use content, design and computational thinking approach to projects as well as interdisciplinary learning material on an online platform that caters to today’s relevant technologies and future skills requirements. It is designed to help teachers improve their instructional practices with 21st century teaching skills through train-the-teacher program, build a strong foundation to empower students with the ability and skills to design & create amazing things on their own in a fun & engaging environment, excel in academics and prepare them to be industry- and career-ready.
With 50+ partner schools across India, it aims to empower students with creativity, problem-solving, design & advanced tech skills and entrepreneur skills from an early age. These skills are essential for future job roles like AI & ML Specialist, Game Designer, Graphic Designer, Software & Applications Developer, Animator, Robotics Engineer, Data Analyst, and IOT Specialist.
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